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Info on House Bill 2429 as well as any related Issues. Legislation > Oregon State > H.B. 2429. Info on House Bill 2429 as well as any related Issues.

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Summary: Ordered printed by the Speaker pursuant to House Rule 12.00A (5). Presession filed. (at the request of former Representative Jeff Kropf) -- Relating to deduction from wages to reimburse employer for cost of drug test given to employee. HB 2429 would allow employers to dock your paycheck for the cost of a failed drug test.

The text on this Bill can be found in PDF format at: http://www.leg.state.or.us/07reg/measures/HB0400.dir/HB02429.intro.pdf

Status: Referred to Business & Labor Committee.

01/10 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
01/17 (H) Referred to Business and Labor. [an error occurred while processing this directive]

... more About HB 2429 >

Details:   Permits employer to deduct from employee's wages reimbursement for cost of employee's drug test when test result is positive for illegal use of controlled substance.

A copy of the Bill may be found online at:


... and here ...


LTL (Letters-To-yer-Legislator, Editor, Org Director, Biz Owner) [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Here is ...   Examples -

Example #1

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HB 2429 testimony takes up the first hour.




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