Sunday, May 8 at 05:22 PM: from corvallis, benton county wrote:
" looking for a care giver in
area, have ms, and driving is
difficult for out of town. am
applying for ommp card.
Sunday, May 1 at 08:22 AM:
Shannon from Eugene wrote:
" Hi
I am an ommp in need of some
meds can anyone help?
Tuesday, April 12 at 10:25 AM:
BRUCE from EUGENE wrote:
Sunday, February 20, 2011 at 08:09 AM:
Julie from Bend, OR. wrote:
" Wondering if this
site can help with Job
opportunities for card
holders? "
Saturday, March 6, 2010 at 07:12 AM:
Tony and Bobbi from Willamette Valley (Salem) wrote:
" just recently got our
ommp card ... looking for a
grower to help me obtain my
meds ... due to pain cant do
it myself ... and
Tuesday, February 16 at 04:21 PM:
The Pot Geek from Portland, mostly wrote:
"Until the end users are
educated about what it is,
i.e. which specific
combination of terpenes that
helps them with their specific
condition, they can't know
what to ask their providers
for. Until the providers can
give their patients this
information, a patient's
chances of getting what they
need are dependent on the luck
of the draw. Even the same
strain, grown by the same
grower, the same way, can vary
from crop to crop. With a
known terpenoid profile we can
overcome Western Medicine's
most valid objection to the
medical use of cannabis, by
providing quantified dosages
with repeatable effects.
Thursday, February 11 at 08:10 PM:
Kevin from Central Coast wrote:
" Looking for help with meds
and later clones and chance
Saturday, January 2, 2010 at 03:48 PM:
truthseeker from Southern Oregon wrote:
" Why doesn't ANYONE update
this site?
Friday, December 11 at 08:30 PM:
machig from hawaii wrote:
its excellent to see the
persuit of refinement in our
understanding in how most
effectively we can
administer and appreciate
Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 10:37 AM: from Albany wrote:
" Husband just got his card-
trying to find local
meetings to get plugged into
what's happening in the area
and state wide - plus starts -
Monday, August 10 at 11:51 AM:
Current card Holder (LC) from Corvallis wrote:
" I am in search of a cutting
from the original "Seattle
Skunk" that was abundant in
the late 80's ; or something
close. "
Wednesday, July 22 at 06:00 PM: from Florence wrote:
"I live by florence and I
qualify for a med card due
to chronic pain from
arthritis in my shoulder and
I don't want to grow
myself. I am looking for
somone in Eugene or Florence
to grow for me. I can't pay
as I am on disability, but
we could split the
Thursday, May 28 at 01:13 PM:
SS from Eugene Oregon wrote:
"Hi. I'm new to the area and
have a condition that fits as
from OMMP However I don't know
where to start as far as
finding a doctor in the area
that will sign-off on a
treatment plan. Can anyone
reffer me to a doctor? Or
where can I find info. on
local doctors that believe in
this medicine? Thanks
email -
Thursday, May 14 at 06:57 PM:
stan from roseburg wrote:
"hi there i would like to
know moreabout the up
comeing bowl is it the the
cup up north ????
thanks "
Monday, April 13, 2009 at 08:14 PM:
Mike G from Eugreen, OR wrote:
"i just got my card and would like to know
where to get starts from? if anybody
could tell me where i can get some starts
from that would be great. email - "
Friday, March 13 at 10:12 AM:
Bradley from Salem wrote:
"I am a OMMP cardholder and
just recently joined NORML. I
am ready to get growing but
need some starts before I can
get started. If anyone can
point me in the right
direction let me know.
e/Mail - "
Monday, February 23, 2009 at 10:29 AM:
mat g. from eugene wrote:
"My mom just moved to the
area, she was qualified to
recieve medical marajauna in
michigan, she has hep c and
cancer etc, and she is
wondering on how she can
recive her medical marajuana
benifits rights in oregon.
e/Mail -
Wednesday, February 11 at 03:57 PM:
Dennis from Corvallis wrote:
" I just got my card and need
some directions where to go
here. e/Mail -
Sunday, February 8 at 11:36 AM:
Dan from Monroe wrote:
" more info on the
bowl? e/Mail -