Wednesday, July 4 at 12:00 PM:
me from agin wrote:
"Oregon Radio Station
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Oregon, with streaming ...
GOLD HILL : KRWQ FM : 100.3:
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Thursday, May 31, 2012 at 07:28 AM:
me from here wrote:
"We will see legalization
somewhere in 2012, and *The
Russ Belville Show* wants
to be there to bring the
news to the world streaming
LIVE. visit -
Thursday, May 31 at 07:22 AM:
me from here wrote:
"I'm a political junkie. I
live to listen to talk
radio, watch cable news and
follow political reporter's
I remember some weekend
morning in the waning years
of the Bush administration,
I was getting ready for the
day when I heard the host on
the radio talking about an
issue that I had recently
become rather curious about
(to put it mildly). I just
caught the tail end of it,
but apparently it was a
regular segment on the show
called the "Marijuana
Minute". I was blown away. A
talk radio host,
broadcasting out of my
hometown of Portland, was
taking a whole minute to
devote to marijuana.
Needless to say I tuned back
in as often as I could to
hear The Russ Belville Show
and his "marijuana minute".
visit -
Post Your Media Info Here!
Tuesday, October 4 at 10:29 AM:
Keith from NORML wrote:
Because of the way the
Internet works, none of us
have the ability to
effectively remove something
we have previously posted to
a website.
The bottom line is that
everyone needs to understand
this reality of using the
Internet, and if one is
worried about being publicly
associated with the
marijuana legalization
movement, they should avoid
posting topics related to
legalizing marijuana
anywhere, anytime.
But that seems like a
terribly timid approach to
me. If no one has the
courage to tell the truth,
it is difficult to imagine
how we ever end prohibition.
Lots of effective
legalization advocates have
good jobs and careers, and
unless one is planning on
working for the DEA or CIA
or some similar federal law
enforcement agency, I do not
think one should be muzzled
by your fear of how that
might impact your job
search. Even then, since you
will be regularly drug
tested, supporting
legalization should not hold
one back. Your academic
performance, your degree or
degrees, the school you
attended, and your outside
interests and activities
will likely determine your
ability to find a good job.
Your opinions about social
policy, unless extreme, are
unlikely to be a determining
R. Keith Stroup, Esq.
NORML Legal Counsel"
Tuesday, October 4 at 10:28 AM:
MK from America wrote:
" I'm wondering if you all
think that although the
countless mirrors of
marijuana news on the
internet serve to bolster
the audience numbers ( I
don't really think too many
people are checking these
blogs and halfway pages that
mirror most of the news
content) that many of these
sites leave damaging impact
on someones name for
I have spent several hours
of personal time to request
from various random websites
that my information be
removed simply because a
google search for my name
renders (hopefully this will
be past tense- rendered) an
unusual amount of marijuana
For people in the career of
advocacy- this might be a
good thing.. but I think
from first hand this is why
so many people my age in
career want nothing to do
with the movement.
If our names can be so
easily googeled by all
employers/potential schools
ial etc etc. then many of us
will simply avoid the entire
movement. I have heard this
as a personal reason from
many 4.0 Undergrad and Grad
college students as reasons
they are not interested.
Wondering what you guys
NORML Campus Chapter person