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Willamette Valley NORML Willamette Valley NORML; Meeting Minutes * (Member) - held every 4th Saturday of the Month at High Noon before the Public Meeting -or- whenever we can. Come to the meeting This is our 12/19/09 Member Meeting Minutes web page, holding the Minutes of the meeting and links to relevent items. Click > here < for WORD version, and > here < for PDF.

For Meeting held * Saturday, December 19th, High Noon * at Herbs Toasted Subs, 1210 Willamette St, in Eugene, Oregon.


Everyone: Let us know of items we've missed. Post it in the Bulletin Board for give us Feed Back or thru the Forum index / home page.

Willamette Valley NORML Member Meeting Minutes - 12/19/2009, 12:00 PM Noon.

  • Member processing, Greetings, Important Announcements, any new Minutes Items.

    Nominations and Votes for Membership: Dan K., Perry S., Sonny W., John W., Jim G. nominated and voted in for duties and monies spent on W-V-NORML or cannabis law reform in general. Joni R., Dale L. paid their member dues and joined at this time.

  • Meeting Called To Order (12:15pm), Member (& Associate) Roll call conducted.

    Meeting Called to order, in attendance: - Members: - Present: Dan K., Perry S., Sonny W., John W., Joni R., Dale L., Rik & Deb, - (see notes on publishing member & associate identifiers) - Quorum present? yes - Others Present: - None

  • Nominations for Board.

    Dan K., Perry S., Jim G. all nominated for Board. All were seconded. There was a motion to close the nominations. It was seconded. Then voted and passed unanimously.

  • Elections.

    Dan K., Perry S., Jim G. were all voted on and passed unanimously.

  • 'Old' Business.

    • Need to get our 501c3 (federal) tax exempt paperwork filed.

    • Need to do a Fundraiser for National, need a place. Joni R. will check w/ Vets Club. We should check out the WOW Hall, others.

    • Other Projects: T.V. Show, Medicine Bowl, etc.

  • 'New' Business.

    Plans for a Cannabis Café. We will look for place and other Resources to make it happen in Eugene.


    • Dan K. Noted on “craigslist” from www.serenefarmer.com about being able to take on patients.

    • We need to do more outreach and stuff, but, as Dale L. notes, Our message should not be too shrill.

    • On Our Mission, Goals, Objectives and Strategy:

    • -Want to Help Folks get their Cards, other Medical Cannabis activity – Dispensaries (I-28), Café, Getting PTSD added, etc.

    • -Want to get a Hemp Seed planted and Harvested in Oregon.

    • -Defend every little pot-head: Court Support and other activity.

Conference Dial-in Number:

Call 712 432 0111, then dial the access code: 295336. The first person in needs to push the star (*) button after the access code. Everyone else can push the pound (#) button. Once connected to the free conference call, you will be able to talk. Please introduce yourself to the other participants.

Also, in case the first doesn't work, Alternative Conference Dial-in Number: (218) 862-1000, Participant Access Code: 695618#

We've included time limits on each subject. We've seen this done at other meetings and it works well to keep things moving and we try to keep meetings under 1.5 hours.


    Perry Stripling,
    Secretary, Webster, NewsLetter Editor, etc.

* Next planned for January 23rd. * Click here for more events. AND, make sure you are subscribed to our list-serve! to stay tuned to the latest on these and other items.

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