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Info on 420 as well as any related Items. Action > It’s 420! Time to Take Steps
Info on 420 as well as any related Items. Locally, there is The annual 420 Celebration at the Bulb Ranch in Glenwood (between Springfield & Eugene), on Franklin Blvd behind the Dari-Mart Sat Apr 20. And then there's Taking steps to End Cannabis Prohibition, Willamette Valley NORML and MERCY – the Medical Cannabis Resource Center are organizing “joint” Rallys at the steps of the Capital Building, Salem, Oregon every year on 4/20 at 4:20 to Raise Awareness about The War and what people can do about it. Click > here < for more on the Rally, click > here < for more events.

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4/20 -- a symbolic day for the drug policy reform movement. For many, it’s a day for celebration, but it’s also a day to speak out and show legislators your support for marijuana legalization. 4/20 is a reflection of the fact that marijuana is a mainstream cultural and political issue that is gaining ground across the country. Whether you love, hate, or don’t care about marijuana, we all agree that marijuana prohibition does more harm than good -- yet the war on marijuana rages on.

There is work being done on a groundbreaking bill that would end federal marijuana prohibition by allowing states to decide their own marijuana laws. Speak out and urge your representatives to cosponsor this bill today! Momentum is building across the country to end marijuana prohibition. The most recent Gallup poll found that half of all Americans want to make marijuana legal. A diverse and growing number of leaders are fed up and speaking out. This November, Colorado and Washington voters have an historic opportunity to become the first states to legalize marijuana.

We are closer than ever to the tipping point. More Americans support legalizing marijuana than ever before -- but legislators need to hear from you to make it a reality. On this 4/20, take action and fight for what’s right. Make your voice heard: tell your representatives to listen to public opinion and end federal marijuana prohibition today!

  About this  

It's 420!  Do You Know Where Your Pot War Is? What To Do -

(1)  Contact Your Legislators, both State and Federal, and Tell Them Vote YES on Cannabis Law Reform measures in House and Senate.

(2)  Register, Vote and Get Everybody You Know to Do So Also.

(3)  Then Everybody You Don't Know ... Yet.  Rally, Demonstrate and Protest in order to Inform, Educate and Activate, We, the People, to item (1) above. For example, Join Us at the Rally in Salem, and see how's it's done as you help make it happen. Other Actions and Activities >>>

Show Your Pot Pride

Celebrate 4/20 by Ending Marijuana Prohibition | Despite nearly three quarters of a century of government-imposed Cannabis Prohibition, it is, again, that oh so magical day that cannabis consumers celebrate ... and prohibitionists loathe: April 20 A day (and a time of day) that signifies the ever increasing cultural and commercial acceptance in America (and internationally) of millions of consumers' and medical patients' want and need for Cannabis Prohibition to end.

As in the previous twenty years, there is a fast growing acknowledgement that on April 20 ... all things in America are cannabis-related in that major newspapers like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Los Angeles Times now provide major coverage to this day's significance; radio networks like National Public Radio deign to point their mics toward the issue of Cannabis Prohibition; and even major TV networks such as G4, SpikeTV, Comedy Central and Showtime will all devote blocks of time to '4/20' programming with the rebroadcast of 'stoner movies', comedy specials and documentaries. Can you just imagine what the good folk at the DEA and the Drug Czar's office think of this clear cultural defeat annually? One can almost be sympathetic on this day to them for their championing such a lost cause. Well, maybe for a nanosecond.

Learn more >> NORML's 2012 4/20 Salutations and Celebrations | Despite nearly three quarters of a century of government-imposed Cannabis Prohibition, it is, again, that oh so magical day that cannabis consumers celebrate ... and prohibitionists loathe: http://norml.org/news/2012/04/20/norml-s-2012-420-salutations-and-celebrations

Road to Legalization 4/20/2012 | Donate to NORML today and help us end marijuana prohibition in 2012. http://norml.org/join-norml/item/road-to-legalization-420?category_id=906

    Denver 420 Rally Denver 420 Rally | "We had a great time yesterday (4/20/10) at this year Denver's 420 Rally which was the largest ever with 30,000 people in attendance and a list of National speakers that included Guest Speaker Allen St. Pierre!" Help make it happen by making contact now! It's 420 Somewhere. Visit - http://www.myspace.com/420rally

    Denver 420 Rally This 420 if you're on the east coast and cant make it out to CO or WA on 4/20, come to Independence Mall, right by the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, for Smoke Down Prohibition IV:20. I'm sure some of you have heard about the Smoke Down Prohibition events that we've been doing in Philly, but if not, PhillyNORML along with the group The Panic Hour have been putting on rallys with speakers, music, and a 4:20 moment of cannabis reflection since December of 2012, and this one is going to be number 4, it's always a great time, standing up against prohibition, right where the country was formed. If you guys could share this event on your pages, and come out, it would awesome. We want Independence Mall the place to be (thats not CO or WA) this 420. Visit >> www.facebook.com/events/365366893579080/

    Denver 420 Rally Dance with Mary Jane, April 20 at 4:00pm, at Negative Space in Cleveland, Ohio. Visit >> www.facebook.com/events/593743207321896/

    Denver 420 Rally Indiana NORML has several things going on, on 4/20. | We will be participating with our ally Relegalize Indiana LLC in a march in downtown Indianapolis. Two of us will be in Columbus, Indiana to vote for a more pro-Marijuana state Chairman for the Indiana Libertarian Party. We will have a crew in Mishawaka, Indiana, and a crew at an Indianapolis bar, the “Mousetrap,” which is very popular. A new organization, the Indiana Medical Marijuana Alliance has not announced what they’re doing specifically yet, but plan on something. * Neal Smith, Indiana NORML. Learn more >>

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Cheech & Chong’s Animated Movie Here is some commercial cannabis-related pop culture from our friends Cheech and Chong, in conjunction with, of course, the approaching 4/20 'holidaze'. The legendary Toke Jokers are back, just in time for 4/20! Released today, Cheech & Chong’s Animated Movie soundtrack is certain to make you laugh—times may have changed, but these two haven’t! Continuing to carry their legacy, the album is perfect medicating music, certain to make you laugh. Visit - www.cheechandchonganimated.com

We’re spreading word to encourage you (and others) to check it out--sing a song with Cheech & Chong! Cheech & Chong’s Animated Movie hits theaters April 18-23, so get ready to enjoy the holiday with another high-larious flick and the best marijuana music. Below we’ve included further information, including exciting dates to look out for, such as the 24-hour release of the music video “WEed Are the World,” on Rolling Stone April 15. Listing of selected theaters, many near NORML chapters: www.cheechandchonganimated.com/movie.html

420day.org Project See also > Filmmaker E.J Vaughn and writer Steve Wishnia contacted NORML asking for help soliciting videos from cannabis consumers and patients about why they use cannabis and why they want the laws reformed as soon as possible. They will use some of these user-generated videos in their upcoming documentary production. While there is much to celebrate about regarding cannabis (as well as to lament about the failed prohibition) on April 20 at 4:20, this project is forward-looking regarding the further normalization of responsible cannabis use by adults. Visit - 420day.org Project

CafePress 4/20 Clothing Special CafePress 4/20 Clothing Special | NORML's longtime online apparel partner CafePress has a '4/20' special running this weekend for some newly designed products that let the world know what your three favorite numbers are. Use the promo code: 20OFF420 to receive 20% off shirts and gear from the NORML Store on CafePress. Some restrictions apply. Visit - http://www.cafepress.com/norml/8763244

four twenty (420nurses) on Twitter four twenty (420nurses) on Twitter | Apr 3, 2010 ... Hey there! four twenty is using Twitter. Twitter is a rich source of instantly updated information. Join today and follow @420nurses to ... Twitter is a rich source of instantly updated information. It's easy to stay updated on an incredibly wide variety of topics. Visit - http://twitter.com/420nurses

420 Boyz on MySpace Music 420 Boyz on MySpace Music | MySpace Music profile for 420 Boyz. Download 420 Boyz Rap / / music singles, watch music videos, listen to free streaming mp3s, & read 420 Boyz's blog. 420 Boyz: General Info Member Since 6/15/2008 Band Members AK 420, Numpsy, Shay, JP Influences Tupac, Eminem, Bone Thugz n Harmony, haha an many more Visit - http://www.myspace.com/fourtwentyboyz

420Clan.com 420Clan.com | With server information, forums, tools downloads and forum. Visit - http://www.420clan.com/

Denver 420 Rally Four Twenty 420 | Strawberries | CD Baby Listen to and buy Four Twenty 420 music on CD Baby. Download or buy the CD Strawberries by Four Twenty 420 on the independent record store by musicians for ... If you like U2, Coldplay or Matchbox 20...try "Strawberries" ! Soulful singing from singer songwriter Cedric Gauthier with his band 420. We got Jon Rolls on bass from England, Daniel Gerrard on electric guitar from England via Australia and Dany Drouin on drums from Canada via Saint Martin... Popular songs include main title "Strawberry", catchy "Nowhere to hide" or dancy "Driven by my stick shift", but also acoustic Visit - http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/fourtwenty

Denver 420 Rally 420 > Home (WebRing) | marijuana cannabis indica sativa weed pot 420 high times magazine grow smoke how to joint blunt bong medical amsterdam california kush Visit - http://420.com/

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  About 420  

It's both more and less than people make it out to be. '420' began its sub-rosa linguistic career in 1971 as a bit of slang casually used by a group of high school kids at San Rafael High School in California. '420' (always pronounced "four-twenty," never "four hundred and twenty") came to be an accepted part of the argot within that group of about a dozen pot smokers, beginning as a reminder of the time they planned to meet to light up, 4:20 p.m. Keep in mind this wasn't a general call to all dope smokers everywhere to toke up at twenty past four every day; it was twelve kids who'd made a date to meet near a certain statue. It's thus incorrect to deem that '420' originated as a national or international dope-smoking time, even though the term began as a reference to a particular time of day.

These days '420' is used as a generic way of declaring one likes to use marijuana or just as a term for the substance itself. Its earliest connotation of having to do with the time a certain group of students congregated to smoke wacky tobaccy is unknown to the overwhelming majority of those who now employ the term. Indeed, most instead believe one or more of the many spurious explanations that have since grown up about this much abused short form:

  • 420 is the penal code section for marijuana use in California.

    Nope. Section 420 of the California penal code refers to obstructing entry on public land. The penal codes of other states list different entries for 420, but none of them matches anything having to do with marijuana.

    However, on 1 January 2004 the Governor of California signed that state's Senate Bill 420, which regulates marijuana used for medical purposes. This bill comes years after the term '420' was associated with marijuana and indeed its number likely was chosen because of the existing pop culture connection. This is the tail wagging the dog, not the other way around.
  • It's the Los Angeles or New York police radio code for marijuana smoking in progress.

    It's not the police radio code for anything, let alone that.
  • It's the number of chemical compounds in marijuana.

    The number of chemical compounds in marijuana is 315, according to the folks at High Times magazine.
  • April 20 is the date that Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, or Janis Joplin died.

    Though these performers were strongly identified with drug use during their brief lifetimes and the emerging drug culture after their demises, none of them kicked the bucket on April 20. Morrison died on July 3, Hendrix on September 18, and Joplin on October 4.
  • The 20th of April is the best time to plant marijuana.

    There's no one "best time" — that answer would change from one part of the country to another, or even one country to another.
  • Albert Hofmann took the first deliberate LSD trip at 4:20 on 19 April 1943.

    This was indeed the case — his lab notes back this up. But this wasn't the source of "420," just an oddball coincidence. (For the pedants out there, Hofmann's first LSD trip, which was accidental, took place on 16 April 1943.)
  • It's the code you send to your drug dealer's pager.

    Yeah, right. All drug dealers recognize a '420' page as "Please be waiting on the corner with my baggie of wildwood weed."
  • When the Grateful Dead toured, they always stayed in Room 420.

    Untrue, says Grateful Dead Productions spokesman Dennis McNally.
Spurious etymologies and uncertain definition aside, '420' has slipped into a position of semi-respectability within the English lexicon. Various free-wheeling cities annually celebrate "hemp fests" on April 20. There's a 4:20 record label in California, and a band called 4:20. Atlanta's Sweetwater Brewing Co. sells its 420 Pale Ale in supermarkets and opens its doors to the public at 4:20 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays. New York's 420 Tours sells low-cost travel packages to the Netherlands and Jamaica. Highway 420 Radio broadcasts "music for the chemically enhanced." And in 2001, the forReal.org web site of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Center for Substance Abuse Prevention put out a public service document titled, "It's 4:20 — Do You Know Where Your Teen Is?"

420s are routinely slipped into popular movies and television shows. In Fast Times at Ridgemont High the score of the football game was 42-0. Most of the clocks in Pulp Fiction are set to 4:20 (but not all — when the kid receives the watch it's set at 9:00). And there are many other instances, so keep your eyes peeled.

However, as amusing as it is to tie 420 to pot smoking and hunt for it in popular movies, the number has its dark side. Hitler was born on 20 April 1889, and the massacre of 13 victims at Columbine High School in Colorado took place on 20 April 1999. source - http://www.snopes.com/language/stories/420.asp

420 (cannabis culture) - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | April 20 (4/20 in U.S. date notation) has evolved into a counterculture holiday, where people gather to celebrate and consume cannabis.[1][2] The term originated from a group of teenagers at San Rafael High School in San Rafael, California, United States in 1971.[3][4] The teens would meet after school at 4:20 p.m. to smoke marijuana at the Louis Pasteur statue. According to an April 2009 article on the The Huffington Post, the group called itself the Waldos because its members hung out by a wall after school. Writer Ryan Grim, citing interviews with anonymous Waldos, claims that the group met by the statue at 4:20 p.m. to begin a search for a crop of abandoned cannabis growing near Point Reyes that they had heard about. They never found the stash, Grim writes, but smoked plenty of marijuana while looking for it.[5]

April 20 ("4/20" in U.S. date notation) has evolved into a counterculture holiday, where people gather to celebrate and consume cannabis.[1][2] In some locations this celebration coincides with Earth Week.[6][7][8] At events in the United States, it is common to hear about Abraham Lincoln, one of many American politicians known for past use of cannabis, who wrote that one of his "favorite things" was "smoking a pipe of sweet hemp".[9] Some events may have a political nature to them, advocating for the decriminalization of non-medical cannabis in the United States. Visit - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/420_(cannabis_culture)

And, for even more FourTwenty info, try these LINKs >

  • 420 drug term meaning origin I had reported years ago that the term 420 (pronounced four twenty, not four hundred and twenty), was police code for smoking marijuana in a feature on ... A discussion on our Parenting Advice and Support Forum, had this Guide in puzzlement. I had reported years ago that the term 420 (pronounced four twenty, not four hundred and twenty), was police code for smoking marijuana in a feature on pager codes that teenagers use to talk to each other. I began researching the number again and it seems I was wrong. Read on to learn the myths, the truth about the origin and what this term means for parents. If you are worried that your teen may be taking drugs, please see our warning signs article and our parenting quiz: Is Your Teen Using Drugs? Visit - http://parentingteens.about.com/cs/marijuana/a/420meaning.htm

  • Urban Dictionary: 420 420 - 152 definitions - So far the majority of you are incorrect. 420's origin IS known. the term 420 originated at San Rafael High School, in 1971... So far the majority of you are incorrect. 420's origin IS known. the term 420 originated at San Rafael High School, in 1971, among a group of about a dozen pot-smoking wiseacres who called themselves the Waldos, who are now pushing 50. The term was shorthand for the time of day the group would meet, at the campus statue of Louis Pasteur, to smoke pot. Intent on developing their own discreet language, they made 420 code for a time to get high, and its use spread among members of an entire generation. Visit - http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=420

  • What Is 420? Open Discussion about What Is 420? - HIGLIGHTS: Marijuana, Code, Emoticonsemo, Border0, ... what 420 means since 2 years ago when there was this call called fourtwenty on ... MY BIRTHDAY!! haha but it really is.... basically i never knew that on april 20th was the time when people smoked. when first hearing that i was relly curious as to why and i just tried to look it up and found out that nobody exactly really knows why april 20th is the national "marijuana" day. Here are some theories. they said that back in the days, that "420" was the code for cops when troubling upon marijuana. that there are approximately 420 chemicals in marijuana Visit - http://www.knowledgesutra.com/index.php/420_t36577.html

  • Why is 4/20 on 4/20? - Yahoo! Answers hey i never really thought about til now and wante… Here's the reasoning. 420 (cannabis culture) 4:20 or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) is a term used in North America as a discreet way to refer to cannabis and, by extension, a way to identify oneself with cannabis culture. Phrases such as "420 friendly" sometimes appear in roommate advertisements, indicating that the current occupants are tolerant of cannabis users.[1] Visit - http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070418203258AAjPP7t

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  420 Rally on the Steps  

Help Us to Take Steps! Willamette Valley NORML and MERCY – the Medical Cannabis Resource Center are organizing a “joint” Rally at the steps of the Capital Building, Salem, Oregon every year on 4/20 at 4:20 to Raise Awareness about The War and what people can do about it. For more information, contact –

MERCY – the Medical Cannabis Resource Center, 1745 Capital St NE, Salem, OR, 97301 * call – 503.363-4588, or visit – www.MercyCenters.org

Willamette Valley NORML, 1863 Pioneer Pkwy E, #624, Springfield, OR 97477 * call - 541.517-0957, Or visit – www.w-v-norml.org

map to 420 Rally on the Steps of the Capital in Salem, Oregon
Click here to get directions via MapQuest.

map to 420 Rally on the Steps of the Capital in Salem, Oregon

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Sunday, April 21 at 09:09 AM:
That guy from Salem wrote:
"Was at the capitol and the steps looked pretty empty at, before and after 4:20.. "

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