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Info on Eugenes Court Support as well as any related Items. Action > Court Support
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  About the Case  

Court Support Needed for Daniel Ernst Court Support Needed for Daniel "Danbo" Ernst | * Court Support Needed * Federal District court in Eugene at 10:00 AM Friday February 10th * Daniel Ernst, some of us know by Danbo, one of the bravest men I've ever met. He doesn't just talk the talk, he's living it. Facing 30 years, that's 30 Fed years, no parole, probation, etc. All for his belief that the government does not have the right to say Cannabis is illegal. If you were in court facing losing your freedom over your beliefs in freedom and the use of a plant, wouldn't you want some support?? Yes, please show some support for someone who is truly one of our brothers. > Here < is a flier if anyone wants to help spread the word.

BTW here's a letter he sent out; “I am in the Federal District court in Eugene at 10:00 AM Friday February 10th in front of Chief Justice Ann Aiken for motion hearings and would appreciate any and all supportive warm bodies to create a frequency of love for everyone in that room to do the right thing in the nature of harmony for all the living. The prosecutor, Frank Papagni, seems to know something I don't as he and a DEA agent told my sister (her name is on the property involved) that "I will die in prison". Naturally, this affected her and when I get my affidavit from her I will make a complaint for violations under the Citizen's Protection Act of 1998.

Also I have joined a class action lawsuit that has been filed with the district court in Washington DC that is a verified complaint that two constitutional quorum violations occurred in the 80th congress in 1947 and 1948 therefore the section 3231 that allegedly gives the fed's criminal jurisdiction is void ab initio. It seems to be a "dead bang winner" but who knows when you are dealing with the devil, therefore there is talk about taking it to the Hague if it is not addressed "in house". The local court will be notified of this to which I hope it has the effect of delaying the scheduled Feb. 28th trial date.

If anyone would like to see the brief and memorandum for this class action, let me know and I will email it to you. If anyone has been convicted or currently dealing with federal criminal charges you may want to consider joining this suit. It also asks for $3000/day for wrongful incarceration and a declaration of innocent. I really do appreciate your attendance of support in the physical and/or spiritual if you can make it happen! … thanks, Danbo” * His email is -> dance4om@gmail.com * See Danbo speaking at Eugene entry of the Global Marijuana Marches > here < !

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