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Willamette Valley NORML Willamette Valley NORML; Meeting Minutes * (Board) - held whenever we're able, we try for a Quarterly basis as best we can. Come to the meeting This is our 11/15/09 Board Meeting Minutes web page, holding the Minutes of the meeting and links to relevent items. Click > here < for WORD version, and > here < for PDF.

For Meeting held * Sunday, November 15th, 1 pm * at Jim G's apartment , in Eugene, Oregon.


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Willamette Valley NORML Board Meeting Minutes - 11/15/2009, 1:00 PM, @ Jims

  • A Look Backward (10 min)

    Discussion: + Per Perry S., Really need to have Member meet for Board elections. We keep suffering Schedule creep on this; originally done in July of ‘07, we delayed until September in ’08 and now past that in ’09. This is because we need to have more people working on things like these administrative duties as well as core mission and special projects.

    Motion to organize Member meeting for the purpose of Elections and any other such necessary business ASAP; seconded and passed. Perry S., will contact Herbs about doing it there and Members to get them there.

  • A Look Forward (10 min)

    Discussion: + Per Perry S., Should change type of filing with State for Non-Profit from Public Benefit to Mutual Benefit. PB costs extra $10 per year (or more when we miss filing) and is not being used. Was originally set up with the optimistic intention we were going to raffle off a car or some big ticket item like that.

    Motion to type of filing with State; seconded and passed. Perry S., will take charge of this task.

    Discussion: + We NEED to get our 501c3 (federal) paperwork done.

    Motion to pursue this; seconded and passed. Jen V., has some potential resources and will explore them and report back ASAP.

  • I-28, I-32, OCTA and other legislative items.  

    Discussion: General consensus is we want to support the good stuff and oppose the bad.

  • Opportunities

    Discussion: We want to pursue setting up a Cannabis Café in Eugene, similar to Oregon NORMLs. Will discuss with various resources and generally plan to see what it will take and make it happen As-Much-As-Possible. Want to do this in a manner to be in a position to make the most of the upcoming Dispensary initiative.

    It will be a good discussion point for Raising and Utilizing Membership, and other related items, if nothing else.

  • The Other Oregon NORML Chapters (5 min)

    Discussion: General consensus is we want to network and support them as much as possible. Perry S., Dan K., and all Members, will get contact info and post on web page as well as paper media (newsletter, etc.).

  • Jeannie Herer Fundraiser 11/21/09 (5 min)

    Discussion: General consensus is we want to support this as much as possible. Perry S., Dan K., and all Members, will get and relevant info and post on web page as well as paper media (newsletter, etc.) and generally try to get as many people there as possible.

  • Portlandsterdam University Report (5 min)

    Discussion: General consensus is we want to support this as much as possible. Perry S., Dan K., and all Members, will get and relevant info and post on web page as well as paper media (newsletter, etc.) and generally try to get as many people there as possible.

  • Holiday Plans (events??) (5 min)

    Discussion: Want to do something to raise awareness, recruit members and do the Fundraising thing for National that we still need to do. Perry S., Dan K., and all Members, will get and relevant info and post on web page as well as paper media (newsletter, etc.) and generally try to think of something as well as get as many people there as possible.

  • * Next Meet(s). Board; soon-as-can, probably at Jim G’s, Eugene. We'll get it up on the Calendar section on the website shortly.

    Agenda Items for next meet

    0. Approve last meeting minutes.
    1. 501c3 (jv).
    -1. NORML Fundraiser.


    Perry Stripling,
    Secretary, Webster, NewsLetter Editor, etc.

* Next planned for ASAP, as we got a lot of big things planned. * Click here for more events. AND, make sure you are subscribed to our list-serve! to stay tuned to the latest on these and other items.

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