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a Legislative Alert page by Willamette Valley NORML a Legislative Alert page by Willamette Valley NORML > NATIONAL ACTION ALERT from ASA: Call the Obama and McCain Campaigns. > Click here > for the Legislative Items index <.

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NATIONAL ACTION ALERT from ASA: Call the Obama and McCain Campaigns NATIONAL ACTION ALERT from ASA: Call the Obama and McCain Campaigns. Two candidates, one president. Both Obama and McCain have public positions on medical cannabis, and one is better than the other, but neither is perfect. But you can help. Call both campaigns right now and set them straight about medical cannabis.   Register, Vote and Get Everyone you know to Do So Also!

Sen. Barack Obama has stated publicly that he will end DEA raids on medical cannabis patients. Call his campaign - (866) 675-2008 - or visit his website at: www.barackobama.com and say:

"Hi, my name is ___________ and I want to thank Sen. Obama for promising to end DEA raids on medical cannabis patients in California. But, 80% of Americans live in states where they can be arrested for using medical cannabis as recommended by their doctors. I urge the Senator to support cannabis research and legal protections for all medical cannabis patients.

On the other hand, Sen. John McCain will not end DEA raids, and does not even believe that cannabis can be an effective treatment. Call his campaign - (703) 418-2008 - or visit his website at: www.JohnMcCain.com and say:

"Hi, my name is __________ and I understand Sen. McCain is opposed to ending DEA raids on seriously ill patients in states that have medical cannabis laws. But medical research, public opinion, and states' rights all say Sen. McCain is wrong, and I strongly urge him to change his position in favor of protecting patients who use medical cannabis legally in their own state."

Please Update the Organizers of this Action Item with any Feedback from the Candidates, where possible. Contact Americans for Safe Access (ASA) by phone: 510-251-1856 or on the web at: www.AmericansForSafeAccess.org. You can Send pictures via email to George@AmericansForSafeAccess.org or by postal mail to Americans for Safe Access, 1322 Webster St. Suite 402, Oakland, CA 94612.

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