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Legislative Notes and Stuff
How about a Voter Registration Party? Come Together, Register and Make a Difference whenever and wherever two or more potential sympathizers of the cause gather together! And then Rock The Vote with ..."
Like, a HempFest? Notes For Votes - music by local bands. Tunes, Food, Fun and More. And when you do, be sure to invite ...
HeadCount – Musical Activism | Register to vote – and Register Voters - with Headcount, a non-profit connecting potential voters through live music and events. They are a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization devoted to voter registration and participation in democracy. They were created in 2004 by a group of artists, music industry professionals and fans, all determined to make sure the live music community is well-represented at the polls. Visit - www.HeadCount.org
Project Vote is the leading
technical assistance and
direct service provider to
the civic participation
community. Since its
founding in 1982, Project
Vote has provided
professional training,
management, evaluation and
technical services on a
broad continuum of key
issues related to voter
engagement and participation
in low-income and minority
communities. visit -
The nonpartisan Election
Protection coalition was
formed to ensure that all
voters have an equal
opportunity to participate
in the political process.
Through their state of the art
hotlines: 1-866-OUR-VOTE
(administered by the
Lawyers' Committee for Civil
Rights Under Law) and 1-888-
Ve-Y-Vota (administered by
the National Association of
Latino Elected and Appointed
Officials Education Fund),
this website, and
comprehensive voter
protection field programs
across the country, they
provide Americans from coast
to coast with comprehensive
voter information and advice
on how they can make sure
their vote is counted.
visit -
The National Campaign for
Fair Elections is an
Initiative of the Voting
Rights Project of the
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil
Rights Under Law.
The goal of the National
Campaign is to foster a
national movement committed
to ensuring that all voters
have an equal opportunity to
cast a meaningful ballot.
visit -
The Fair Elections Legal
Network ("FELN") is a
national, nonpartisan
network of experienced
election lawyers who are
involved in removing
impediments to increased
voter participation. Their
core mission is to help
bring about increased voter
participation by
traditionally under-
represented constituencies.
visit -
News on Legislative stuff
Third-party candidates to debate on Sunday | by MARIA RECIO, McClatchy Newspapers. WASHINGTON -- Third-party presidential candidates finally will have their own debate: at 8 p.m. Sunday at Columbia University in New York.
The debate, which will be announced Wednesday, will include at least
three of the four third-party candidates - independent Ralph Nader, the
Green Party's Cynthia McKinney and the Constitution Party's Chuck
Libertarian Party nominee Bob Barr said he has a scheduling
conflict, but debate organizers say he wanted to appear only with Nader.
(Democratic nominee Barack Obama and Republican nominee John McCain are
also invited.)
Read more >>>
Latest News - Prison-Reform Groups Work To Educate Former Felons | The November Coalition, Working to end drug war injustice. But what of the millions of felons in the United States who can vote? ... in Oregon anyone can vote once they're out of prison. Founded in 1997, the November Coalition is a growing body of citizens whose lives have been gravely affected by our government's present drug policy. We are prisoners, parents of those incarcerated, wives, sisters, brothers, children, aunts, uncles and cousins. Some of us are loving friends and concerned citizens, each of us alarmed that drug war casualties are rising in absolutely horrific proportions. Click > here < for more.
more info on Voter Disenfranchisement
Voting rights and felons/ex-felons | Partnership for Safety and Justice unites those most affected by crime, violence, and the criminal justice system (survivors of crime, people convicted of crime, and the families of both) to advance approaches that redirect policies and resources from an over-reliance on incarceration, to effective strategies that reduce violence and recidivism, and increase personal and community safety. They are based in Portland, Oregon, and work across the state. We also serve as a "regional information hub" for Idaho, Montana, and Washington state, sharing information about the criminal justice system in those states. Articles and/or groups related to the voting rights of people in and out of prison, and laws limiting voting rights for people with past felony convictions. These articles often refer to ex-felon voting rights or ex-felon disenfranchisement. Click > here for more.
Losing the Vote | OVERVIEW AND SUMMARY: The expansion of suffrage to all sectors of the population is one of the United States’ most important political triumphs. Once the privilege of wealthy white men, the vote is now a basic right held as well by the poor and working classes, racial minorities, women and young adults. Today, all mentally competent adults have the right to vote with only one exception: convicted criminal offenders. In forty-six states and the District of Columbia, criminal disenfranchisement laws deny the vote to all convicted adults in prison. … in Texas, a convicted felon's right to vote is not restored until ... bar felons from voting, but prisoners would regain the right to vote upon ...visit - www.hrw.org/reports98/vote/usvot98o.htm
Click here for more on Voter Rights.
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