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Willamette Valley NORML Willamette Valley NORML; Year End Report * Click > here < for WORD version of our Report, and > here < for PDF version of that.


About 11/20/09 we received request from National (Russ B.) to Report on the Year and our Status in general. Click > here < for original PDF ( and here < for MS-WORD version of original). We have set up a Form to receive input from Board, Members and Interested Parties > here < and we think it could be a tool for next year as well as Affiliates in general. Everyone: See current Report > here < and Let us know of items we've missed. Post it in the Bulletin Board, give us Feed Back or thru the Forum index / home page -or- use the Form.


NORML Chapter End-of-Year Report 2009

- Fax to 503-257-2567


Printed Executive’s Name:    Perry Stripling

Signature of Executive:



PUBLIC INFORMATION – to be displayed at NORML.org/Chapters


*CHAPTER NAME:  Willamette Valley NORML


*CITY, STATE ZIP   Eugene, Ore. 97440

*PHONE:    541.517-0957


*WEBSITE:    www.w-v-norml.org

Myspace:   http://www.myspace.com/willamettevalleynorml



*CHAPTER EMAIL:   info@w-v-norml.org


Cell Phone:



BOARD OF DIRECTORS – for internal NORML use only


*NAME:    Dan Koozer

*EMAIL:   director@w-v-norml.org

*TITLE:    Director

*CELL PHONE:   541.517-0957


*NAME:   Perry Stripling

Email:   info@w-v-norml.org

*TITLE:   Secretary

Cell Phone:  503-523-8399


*NAME:    Jim Greig

Email:  jimgreigads@yahoo.com

*TITLE:    Treasurer

Phone: 541-848-1220





*Dates (e.g. Jan 12, 4/20) or occurrences

(e.g. every 2nd Sat.) your chapter held

meetings open to the general public: 


Every 4th Saturday, excepting Holidays (Nov., Dec.) when it’s the 3rd.


*Were minutes recorded? (YES) (NO)  Yes. See - http://w-v-norml.org/meeting.html


Dates or occurrences your chapter held

meetings for medical marijuana patients

and caregivers only:




Were minutes recorded? (YES) (NO)


*Dates or occurrences your chapter held

its mandatory board meetings as required

by state law / campus charter:


Appx Quarterly basis, last was 11/15/09.  See - http://w-v-norml.org/board/



*Were minutes recorded? (YES) (NO)  Yes, see – http://w-v-norml.org/board/meeting_091115.html


Special events your chapter held (e.g., tabling at a concert, holding a screening, demonstrating, etc.):   Million Marijuana Marches (Eugene, Salem), Emerald Empire Hempfest (Eugene)


Media reports on your chapter (coverage of events, quotes from leaders, etc.) in print, radio, and TV:  Ref Jim Greigs letter from the mayor, organizing Court Support, etc.


Member meetings:  Member meetings happen, generally, once a month.  Most times we combine the Member and Public meetings.  We maintain an online forum so that emebers can constantly meet there.  See - http://willamettevalleynorml.org/Members/


*Details of most recent Chapter Elections:


See - http://willamettevalleynorml.org/Members/


Please submit on a separate page the date and results of your elections, assuming your bylaws required an election in 2009. Include names of people who ran for election, the office they were competing for, and the results of the voting. If candidates ran unopposed, just note  “unopposed” and if they were elected by voice vote, note “voice vote”.


Please circle one choice:


(ELECTIONS RESULTS SUBMITTED)   See - http://w-v-norml.org/Members/meeting_091219.htm



*Number of Members:   15

*Annual Membership Cost:   $20, with exceptions.  Student discounts and credit for duties or service performed available on a case-by-case basis.


*Fundraiser Date:    TBA

*Total sent to NORML:   $0






National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws




OFC: 888-772-3422 FAX: 503-257-2567

NORML and NORML Foundation – 1600 K St. NW, Suite 501 – Washington, DC 20006 – 888-67-NORML

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