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in Oregon State: Legislative Items past and present

Legislative items from year 2012 2012, Legislative items

   Initiative 9 notes and information I - 9, Oregon Cannabis Tax Act (OCTA). [Legalization]

   Initiative 24 notes and information I - 24, Oregon Marijuana Policy Intiative (OMPI). [Legalization]

   Initiative by Sensible Oregon notes and information Initiative by Sensible Oregon; Removes criminal and civil penalties, for adults 21 and over, for possession, cultivation, and use of marijuana. [Legalization]

   Initiative by Sensible Oregon notes and information Initiative by Sensible Oregon; Removes criminal and civil penalties, for adults 21 and over, for possession, cultivation, and use of marijuana. [Legalization]

   Initiative by Sensible Oregon notes and information Initiative by Sensible Oregon; Removes criminal and civil penalties, for adults 21 and over, for possession, cultivation, and use of marijuana. [Legalization]

Legislative items from year 2011 2011, Legislative items

   Senate Bill 777 notes and information SB 777, Removes Conditions from Qualifying List.

   House Bill 3202 notes and information HB 3202, Guts OMMA for Law Enforcements Sake.

   House Bill 2982 notes and information HB 2982, Denies "Card", and Medicine thereby, for Felony Convictions.

Legislative items from year 2010 2010, Legislative items

   Initiative 28 notes and information I-28, the Dispensary Initiative

   Initiative 73 notes and information I-73, the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act (OCTA) Initiative

Legislative items from year 2009 2009, Legislative items

   Initiative 28 notes and information I-28, the Dispensary Initiative

   Senate Bill 388 notes and information SB 388, changes the Program for Law Enforcement; Decreases amount of marijuana that may be possessed by persons responsible for marijuana grow sites to 24 ounces, etc.

   Senate Bill 426 notes and information SB 426, Expands ability of employer to prohibit use of medical marijuana in workplace

   Senate Bill 427 notes and information SB 427, Relates to drug-free workplace policies; Requires applicant for medical marijuana registry identification card to notify employer before using marijuana, etc.

   House Bill 956 notes and information HB 956, Sponsored by COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY (at the request of Oregon Association Chiefs of Police, Oregon State Sheriffs' Association, Oregon District Attorneys Association, Oregon Narcotics Enforcement Association and Oregon Partnership) -- Modifies definitions related to marijuana for purposes of certain criminal laws; Declares emergency, effective on passage.

   House Bill 957 notes and information HB 957, Modifies provisions of Oregon Medical Marijuana Act; Declares emergency, effective on passage.

   House Bill 958 notes and information HB 958, Modifies provisions in Oregon Medical Marijuana Act related to designated primary caregivers; Declares emergency, effective on passage.

   House Bill 959 notes and information HB 959, Modifies provisions of Oregon Medical Marijuana Act; Declares emergency, effective on passage.

   House Bill 960 notes and information HB 960, Requires Department of Human Services to revoke registry identification card, marijuana grow site registration card or designated primary caregiver identification card of person who refuses inspection; Removes exception from criminal liability for person who refuses inspection; Declares emergency, effective on passage.

   House Bill 2313 notes and information HB 2313, a Land Use bill that could effect Dispensarys

   House Bill 2497 notes and information HB 2497, Relating to employment; Expands ability of employer to prohibit use of medical marijuana in workplace

   House Bill 2503 notes and information HB 2503, Relating to medical marijuana in the workplace; Prohibits discrimination in employment under certain circumstances, etc.

   House Bill 3274 notes and information HB 3274, Directs Department of Human Services to establish and operate marijuana production facility and distribute marijuana to pharmacies for dispensing to medical marijuana cardholders and designated primary caregivers, and more.

   House Bill 3371 notes and information HB 3371, Relating to driving under the influence of marijuana; declaring an emergency.

Legislative items from year 2007 2007, Legislative items

   House Bill 465 notes and information SB465, a Fire-em-All-and-let-God-sort-out bill

Legislative items from year 2005 2005, Legislative items

   House Bill 1085 notes and information SB1085, needs your attention
   Senate Bill 2693 notes and information HB2693, the "dumb bill gone bad" bill
   Senate Bill 3457 notes and information HB3457, the "Forfeiture" bill
   House Bill 717 notes and information SB717, the anti-Medical Marijuana bill
   House Bill 772 notes and information SB772, the pro-Medical Marijuana bill
   House Bill 2485 notes and information HB2485, the anti-Meth & Marijuana bill
   Senate Bill 294 notes and information SB294, the Hemp bill
   Senate Bill 397 notes and information SB397, Denies Benefits
   Senate Bill 2695 notes and information HB2695, DUI & 2nd-Hand Smoke
   House Bill 5077 notes and information HB5077, the "Rob the Sick and Dying Pot-heads" bill

Legislative items from year 2003 2003, Legislative items

   House Bill 2939 notes and information HB2939, a previous bad Medical Marijuana bill

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Info on House Bill 3274 as well as any related Issues. Legislation > Oregon State > H.B. 3274. Info on House Bill 3274 as well as any related Issues. Click > here < for list of bills this session.

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Summary: House Bill 3274 is Sponsored by Representatives MAURER, TOMEI, THOMPSON, HARKER; Representatives BARKER, BENTZ, BERGER, BRUUN, GARRETT, GILLIAM, GILMAN, GREENLICK, HANNA, JENSON, KOTEK, KRIEGER, OLSON, RICHARDSON, SCHAUFLER, G SMITH, SPRENGER, WEIDNER, Senators BURDICK, KRUSE, METSGER -- Relating to medical Marijuana; appropriating money; providing for revenue raising that requires approval by a three-fifths majority.

Relating to medical Marijuana; creating new provisions; amending ORS 475.302, 475.306, 475. ... ... pharmacies for dispensing to medical Marijuana cardholders and designated primary caregivers. Allows pharmacists to dispense Marijuana to medical Marijuana cardholders and ...


Relating to medical Marijuana; creating new provisions; amending ORS 475.302, 475.306, 475.309, 475.316, 475.319, 475.320, 475.324 and 475.331; repealing ORS 475.304; appropriating money; and providing for revenue raising that requires approval by a three-fifths majority.

Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:

SECTION 1. { + Sections 2 and 3 of this 2009 Act are added to and made a part of ORS 475.300 to 475.346. + }

SECTION 2. { + (1) The Department of Human Services shall establish and operate a Marijuana production facility that produces all Marijuana used by registry identification cardholders. The department shall distribute Marijuana produced at the facility to pharmacies for dispensing to registry identification cardholders and designated primary caregivers.

(2) The department shall adopt rules:

(a) Ensuring the security of the facility and plants;

(b) Establishing a procedure for distribution of medical Marijuana to pharmacies;

(c) Ensuring consistent quality of the medical Marijuana produced;

(d) Establishing recordkeeping procedures for tracking medical Marijuana products from the facility to the end user consistent with federal and state guidelines; and


SECTION 16. { + The Marijuana Production Facility Fund is established in the State Treasury, separate and distinct from the General Fund. Interest earned by the Marijuana Production Facility Fund shall be credited to the fund. The fund consists of moneys deposited in the fund under sections 2 and 14 of this 2009 Act. Moneys in the fund are continuously appropriated to the Department of Human Services for purposes of establishing and operating the Marijuana production facility required by section 2 of this 2009 Act. + }

SECTION 17. { + (1) Sections 2 and 3 of this 2009 Act, the amendments to ORS 475.302, 475.306, 475.309, 475.316, 475.319, 475.320, 475.324 and 475.331 by sections 4 to 11 of this 2009 Act and the repeal of ORS 475.304 by section 12 of this 2009 Act become operative on January 1, 2011.

(2) The Director of Human Services may take any action before the operative date specified in subsection (1) of this section that is necessary to enable the director to exercise, on and after the operative date, all the duties, functions and powers conferred on the director by this 2009 Act.

(3) The State Board of Pharmacy may take any action before the operative date specified in subsection (1) of this section that is necessary to enable the board to exercise, on and after the operative date, all the duties, functions and powers conferred on the board by this 2009 Act. + }

SECTION 18. { + Sections 13 to 15 of this 2009 Act apply to Marijuana dispensed on or after January 1, 2011. + }

The text on this Bill can be found in PDF format at: http://www.leg.state.or.us/09reg/measpdf/hb3200.dir/hb3274.intro.pdf


03/11 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
03/12 (H) Referred to Business and Labor with subsequent referral to Revenue.
03/18 (H) Public Hearing held.


Each speaker called to testify will have two minutes to address the committee. The order of testimony may be managed to ensure that all points of view on these measures are presented.

Staff respectfully requests that you submit 25 collated copies of written materials at the time of your testimony and, if possible, an electronic copy of materials provided to staff 24 hours prior to the meeting. Persons making presentations including the use of video, DVD, PowerPoint or overhead projection equipment are asked to contact committee staff and provide an electronic copy 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Whether you want to testify or not, it would be good to come to Salem for any hearings. It would be especially good to try to schedule a meeting with your Senator -or- Representative before the meeting, possible.

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> Directs Department of Human Services to establish and operate marijuana production facility and distribute marijuana to pharmacies for dispensing to medical marijuana cardholders and designated primary caregivers.

> Allows pharmacists to dispense marijuana to medical marijuana cardholders and designated primary caregivers.

> Disallows private marijuana grow sites.

> Imposes tax of $98 per ounce on marijuana dispensed by pharmacies.

> Establishes Marijuana Production Facility Fund. Continuously appropriates moneys from fund to department for operation of production facility.  

A copy of the Bill may be found online at:


. and here .


LTL (Letters-To-yer-Legislator, Editor, Org Director, Biz Owner)

you can send identical emails to every oregon senator (which will show as individual emails from you, to that senator) by sending To: orsen@oreg.net

you can send identical emails to every oregon representative (which will show as individual emails from you, to that representative) by sending To: orhouse@oreg.net

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• Letters to the Editor & Opinion Pieces, American College of Emergency Physicians
• MAP Three Tips for Letter Writers
• Powerful Paragraphs, ClearWriter's ClearTips
• How to Write Letters to the Editor, Schaffer Library of Drug Policy
• Grammar Bytes!, Grammar Instruction with Attitude
• How to Communicate with Journalists, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
• Letter Writer's Style Guide, by Chris Donald
• Writing Effective Letters to the Editor, 20/20 Vision

respectfully, we suggest two main rules-of-thumb for letter writing to improve the liklihood of being published.

1. Write short declarative sentences as if you were speaking to a child, a small animal or a judge.

2. Limit yourself to 150 words.

Best of luck.

Here is .   Examples -

Example #1

Representative Ron Maurer is to be commended for his apparent interest in assisting medical Cannabis users in obtaining that medicine. However, his interest would have perhaps better coincided with the actual interests and needs of Oregon's medical Cannabis users had he first discussed those needs with them before crafting HB 3274. The current bill reflects both a lack of that contact and an over reliance on law enforcement representatives for information regarding the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program. As such it must be seen as just another of the 30+ bills introduced this legislative session in a coordinated effort by the OMMP's traditional enemies. Combined, these bills would effectively dismantle the program and bar those who need medical Cannabis from employment.

As one of the authors of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act and as the Vice-Chair of the Department of Human Services Advisory Committee on Medical Marijuana I can assure you that the medical marijuana program is certainly not in shambles. The one shortcoming with the overall situation is a shortage of adequate amounts and varieties of medicine to serve the total needs of medical Cannabis users. A logical solution is also present in the legislature this session, SB 812, which would license growers and non-profit dispensaries with significant financial returns to the state government with no required massive general fund expenditure as called for in HB 3274. SB 812 recognizes that even multiple growers and dispensaries, let alone one central garden, can not supply all patients with the proper variety and amounts of medicine and thus allows continuation of self supply.

That lack of ability of even multiple growers to supply the needed different varieties and amounts was recognized in legislation introduced last session by medical Cannabis advocates which call for setting up a similar type of state run garden but again, left intact the ability of patients to self supply. It is noteworthy that all proposals offered by people actually involved in helping patients obtain their medicine include the continuance of self supply while HB 3274, written without input by the people affected, does not. Patients know that differing varieties, with differing cannabinoid profiles are useful in treating different maladies or used in combination in treating one malady. Self supply allows a patient to grow the appropriate variety or varieties to suit their exact needs. Self supply also allows patients to obtain medicine at little or no cost by growing rather than buying their medicine.

The justification offered for HB 3274 is the supposed diversion of medical Cannabis to the illicit market. Undersheriff Fashing's claim that such diversion is one of the "biggest" problems he faces reflects both the current anti-OMMP litany used by the law enforcement chorus in Oregon and a significant lack of reality concerning medical Cannabis growers. Although law enforcement has long claimed similar abuses of the program they can not produce evidence of that abuse. Granted, while there may be a handful annually of spectacular busts, most "abuse" involves growers who have one or two plants over the limit of plants or usable Cannabis and the annual total of prosecutions for that "abuse" amounts to fewer than 1% of all 20,000 OMMP registrants. It the number of convictions which determines "abuse", not pictures of big plants. Any other law with that compliance rate would be considered an outstanding success.

Concerns about robbery of patients are appropriate. What is not appropriate is implying that the blame for that lies with the OMMP registrants. What would be appropriate would be a uniformly firm law enforcement response to such robberies throughout the state. As it stands now, many law agencies limit involvement to taking a report, even where staffing is adequate. They are letting their anti-Cannabis prejudice affect their duty and thus allowing thieves to have confidence they will remain unpunished- even if they are identified. I suggest that far more Cannabis is diverted to the illicit market through theft than through sales by growers.

When HB 3274 is heard on March 18 Rep. Maurer will have the weaknesses of his bill explained in detail to him by the ones who would be directly affected by its language, medical Cannabis users. While his bill is fatally flawed, Rep. Maurer would find those same persons ready and willing to work with him to craft a version which would be a positive addition to the range of supply sources available to medical Cannabis users and yet does not rely on non-existent money from the General fund.

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Reposted with permission from another forum. The replies to this post, and follow up discussions in the thread point out that this is only the "tip of the iceberg".

1. state garden is exclusively an indoor garden (text of the bill doesn't say that)
2. 2oz grown per patient per month, i.e. 24 oz/yr (doesn't say that either)
3. 24,000 patients (makes math simple, but is currently a bit high)
4. all 1k lamps, each lighting 20 sq ft (50 wpf2)
5. 1 lb yield per lamp
6. 1 month veg, 2 month flower period, all monocropped

with those assumptions, the state garden would need to yield 3000 lbs per month. i'll assume there's a harvest every month, so that'll require 3 separate growings areas running 100% of the time, producing 4 crops each year per area. 3,000 1kw lighting systems would be necessary for each growing area. 60,000 sq ft of space would be required for each growing area. assuming 8' ceilings, greenhouse industry recommendations would indicate roughly 320,000 cfm of ventilation required per growing area.

so in total, the growing areas would require 180,000 sq ft (that's 4 acres); we'd need 9,000 lighting systems; a cool million cfm of ventilation fans, which hopefully would create enough air current that we wouldn't need circ fans. ready for a big order, GGS? looks like close to $2 million just for lighting systems & ventilation.

my county just closed down court system on fridays due to budget shortfalls, and this yahoo rep. maurer wants to spend $2 million on lights & fans.

but hey, hey, if they sell all that cannabis for $98/ounce, they'll generate $56 million annually. anybody getting laid off? i bet the state garden will be hiring quite the crew of leaf pluckers & bud trimmers to process enough plant material to produce 100lb of dry weight per day.

-- Mel

Someone brought up an interesting question that might be another reason to shoot down HB3274.

The pharmacists have already said no way would MJ come through pharmacies due their involvment with the feds but what about doctors? Under HB3274 wouldn't the patient need a prescription to get it through a pharmacy? Wouldn't the process of prescriptions return the threat to doctors from the feds?

Dan K.

The basic reason why any MMJ efforts on the state level are futile. Too bad so many years have been wasted by avoiding efforts to legalize at the federal level. Just examine the status when the OMMA was new and compare it with the hodge-podge of crap it has become after the revisionists and LEO lovers have been hacking away at it. Patients have lost their right to an affirmative defense and are now fighting opponents' efforts to invade their privacy to "inspect" their medical supplies, as well as facing the possibility of no longer being able to grow their own medicine after the state proclaims absolute control over the supplies. Will this continue, or will the opponents of a more liberal, sane approach finally see the light?

Face it folks - it ain't treated as medicine as long as LEO is involved and the ridiculous legal restrictions treat patients as semi-criminal types who are seeking to game the system. Try a new approach? I doubt that the so-called "advocates" really want MMJ treated like other controlled substances like liquor and tobacco. Then they would have to find another "cause" and get in the way of any real progress again. Maybe they could all join with SRF and advocate those perverted ideas of "progress."

Bob K.

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