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Register, Vote and Get Everyone you know to Do So Also! Oregon State Senate Bill 423 Welcome to the 2008 Archive page for Willamette Valley NORML NewsLetters. 

Here you'll find Old Willamette Valley NORML NewsLetters. Be a part of making it happen. While these stories are dated they're still topical and apply today! So, make copies, and distribute anywhere they may do any good - friends, family; local or national media, politicians, anyone who may need to get a clue.
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Articles. To see them on-line visit the NORML Archive.
DECEMBER - 2008: The Year In Review – NORML’s Top 10 Events That Shaped Marijuana Policy; Pot Legalization Question Tops Obama Online Poll President-elect says NO to “legalizing marijuana so that the government can regulate it, tax it, put age limits on it, and create millions of new jobs”; Oregon Business Leaders Seek Termination of Medical Marijuana Patients' Right to Work, Yet Data Contradicts Workplace Safety Claims; and other News.
WVN_0812.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_0812.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 12/30/2008
NOVEMBER - Americans Reject Bush Drug War Doctrine Landslide At The Ballot Box: Voters Approve Nine Out Of Ten Marijuana Law Reform Measures; Study Questions Validity Of So-Called “Cannabis-Induced Psychosis”; Prohibition Plays Little Role In Teens’ Decision To Abstain From Marijuana, Study Says; and other News.
WVN_0811.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_0811.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 11/30/2008
OCTOBER - NORML Marks 20 Millionth Pot Arrest, Tragic Marijuana Milestone Takes Place In A Country Near YOU; Reminder To Register For NORML's 2008 National Conference. Day Passes, Walk-Up Registration Still Available --- Just Added: Ray Manzarek of the Doors; Medical Journal Touts 17,000 Pot-Related Studies; and other News.
WVN_0810.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_0810.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 10/30/2008
SEPTEMBER - 872,721 Marijuana Arrests For Year 2007, Tops Record High - Five Percent Increase Over 2006; Registering For NORML’s 2008 National Conference; Cannabis May Halt Progression Of Multiple Sclerosis, Study Says; and other News.
WVN_0809.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_0809.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 9/30/2008
SPECIAL ISSUE - Your Country Needs YOU! to Register, Vote and Get Everybody You Know to Do So Also; and Vote Smart!   Query every candidate running for office - from local dog-catcher to presidential contender - on how they would vote on this issue; A Citizen's Guide to the Oregon State Legislative Process; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_08vote.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_08vote.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 10/1/2008
SPECIAL ISSUE - Cannabis = Medicine, Updated NORML Report Highlights The Role Of Pot In Moderating Disease Progression -- ‘Emerging Clinical Applications’ Booklet Reviews Nearly 200 Studies On Therapeutic Use Of Marijuana; Teen Pot Use Falling in States With Medical Marijuana Laws; US Investigators Praise Cannabinoids As Chemo Treatment; and other Medical Cannabis News.
WVN_08med.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_08med.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 10/1/2008
AUGUST - Pot –vs- the SuperBug; Pot Compounds Reduce Multi-Drug Resistant Infections, Study Says Cannabinoids Show “Exceptional” Antibacterial Activity Against MRSA; California: Attorney General Issues Guidelines Recognizing Patients' Medi-Pot Use; Denver Advisory Panel Recommends No Arrests of Marijuana Smokers During Democratic Convention; and other News.
WVN_0808.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_0808.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 8/30/2008
JULY - The Tragic Death Of Rachel Hoffman -- And The Tragedy That Is Pot Prohibition; Members Of Congress Demand An End To Federal Pot Possession Arrests - The Use Of Cannabis “Ought To Be None Of The Government's Business,” Lawmakers Say At Capitol Hill Press Conference; US Drug Enforcement Administration ‘Celebrates’ 35 Years Of Failure; and other News.
WVN_0807.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_0807.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 7/30/2008
JUNE - Teen Pot Use Falling in States With Medical Marijuana Laws; NORML Responds To Latest Marijuana And Brain Damage Fears; Scotland: Government Think-Tank Backs Taxing And Regulating Cannabis; and other News.
WVN_0806.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_0806.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 6/30/2008
MAY - What Are Brits Smoking? England’s Parliament To Vote On Enacting Stiffer Pot Penalties - Prime Minister Gordon Brown Calls Cannabis “Lethal”, Urges Parliament To “Send A Message”; Pot Potency Claims Unfounded, Study Says - "Claims ... about a 20- or 30-fold increase in cannabis potency and about adverse mental health effects are not supported by the evidence"; Past Cannabis Use Not Associated With Injury Severity, Study Says and other News.
WVN_0805.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_0805.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 5/30/2008
APRIL - Justice In Texas! HIV-Positive Man Wins Acquittal In Texas’ First Cannabis Medical Necessity Defense -- NORML Legal Committee Member Leads Defense; Federal Medical Marijuana Bill Introduced by Rep. Ron Paul; Federal Decriminalization Bill Introduced -- Bill Would End Federal Authority to Arrest Adults for Pot Possession and other News.
WVN_0804.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_0804.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 4/30/2008
MARCH - Freedom In Sight? Congress To Consider Legislation To End Minor Pot Arrests Rep. Barney Frank and NORML Team Up To File First Marijuana Decriminalization Bill In Over Two Decades; Zero Tolerance DUID Laws Don’t Deter ‘Drugged Driving,’; Pot Use Not Associated With Increased Risk Of Head Or Neck Cancer and other News.
WVN_0803.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_0803.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 3/30/2008
FEBRUARY - NORML Rebuts Propaganda - Responds To Latest Marijuana And Lung Cancer Fears -- Widely Reported New Zealand Study Bases Its Findings On Only 14 Cases ; NORML Responds To Media Claim: “Pot As Addictive As Tobacco” -- Widely Reported Study Based Its Findings On Only 12 Subjects, Is Contradicted By The Institute Of Medicine ; 2nd Largest US Medical Association Calls for Rescheduling of Cannabis and other News.
WVN_0802.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_0802.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 2/29/2008
JANUARY - Cannabis Is Medicine - Updated NORML Report Highlights The Role Of Pot In Moderating Disease Progression -- ‘Emerging Clinical Applications’ Booklet Reviews Nearly 200 Studies On Therapeutic Use Of Cannabis; Presidential Candidate Barack Obama Backs Federal Decriminalization -- “I think the war on drugs has been a failure, and I think we need to rethink and decriminalize our marijuana laws.”; Study Highlights Limitations Of Urine Testing and other News.
WVN_0801.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_0801.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 1/31/2008

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